Ramadan and Corona Pandemic

Two words that might cross the minds of some Muslims this month are probably fasting and reflection. Ramadan, which is believed to be the Muslim holy month in 2020 is celebrated amid a corona virus pandemic. Therefore, the preparation of Ramadan 2020 this time will be different from previous years.

In previous periods, around 30 days of fasting were undertaken with various rituals involving many people - praying in congregation, breaking the fast together, sahur on the road to hunting tajil - abstruse there.

People are asked to limit the distance from each other, stay at home and not go home in order to put the brakes on the rate of spread of the virus that causes Covid-19. Even so, it does not mean you start Ramadan in perfunctory style. The following steps to prepare for Ramadan 2020 are extracted from various sources.

Prayers and intentions
In order to make Ramadan 2020 meaningful, prayer and intention are the first two steps that need to be taken. Quoted from About Islam, the Prophet Muhammad warned that both of these will only be meaningful when someone is trying to be 'close' to God.

That is why it is important for everyone to confirm their intention on this Ramadan.

The importance of prayer especially during Ramadan and in the midst of this pandemic. He also prayed that every Muslim be given strength to carry out a month of worship.
 Prayer is a weapon for believers. It is better to expressed the goodness of doing the endeavor accompanied by prayer to be steadfast to navigate the days of this plague.

"In the other hadiths, nothing can change the provisions of Allah SWT except prayer. For this Ramadan momentum we optimize to pray and pray with various worship that we carry out so that the Covid-19 outbreak was immediately raised by Allah SWT,"

Prepare Ramadan worship at home
You might miss some of the rituals that are usually found every Ramadan. Like tarawih in the mosque or musala, also breaking the fast together.

All worship must now be centered at home in order to put the brakes on the spread of the corona virus.

"Today, with the Covid-19 outbreak, it has become a lesson to make the house bright, be emitted by the light of the Koran and worship,"
For those who have a family,  tarawih in Ramadan 2020 can be done at home with the nuclear family.

"Prayer activities that we usually carry out in mosques, prayer rooms, and offices, including breaking the fast together to invite friends from the office, now we make sure we concentrate at home for worship purposes,".

But that's okay. shifting the location of worship did not reduce its value at all.

"It is true that the shift from the mosque to the residence did not shift even an inch from devotion. Even the Prophet Muhammad in the authentic hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim emphasized, make sure that our houses are lit with prayer and recitations. Don't make your house like a prayer. graves that have never been carried out worship activities and the light of the Quran, ".

In addition, the Ramadan 2020 service that took place in the middle of the corona pandemic was at the same time a reflection of self-improvement.

"Don't tell us that there are things we do that trigger an outbreak or spread of an epidemic. ... The muhasabah step is followed by ensuring that we do not become a factor of spreading with clean and healthy living behavior, ensuring physical distancing, preventing crowds, by maintain fitness This is an effort to be part of muhasabah.

Set sleep time
Make sure your alarm is earlier than the usual time you wake up. If you usually wake up at 7 in the morning, start resetting to 05.30 in the morning or even earlier.

This adjustment is certainly followed by going to sleep faster. This will make you wake up earlier and make it easy to prepare everything. Try to start practicing breakfast early. This is as preparation to adapt ahead of Ramadan time

Began to arrange menus and food supplies in Ramadan
You have certainly marked the calendar and filled the food supply with eggs, sardines, raisins or other ingredients. For convenience, you can start planning a diet for a month.

No need to strictly follow the plan, but at least that way you have a guide. You can start thinking about practical recipes, favorite foods or new dishes that are worth trying.

You can start planning for one week and repeat it the following week. In addition, be smart to choose food ingredients because Ramadan can be a moment to start implementing healthy eating.

Prepare a copy of the Quran
Keeping and having a copy of the Quran is one good idea to accompany your Ramadan. A small copy of the Koran will be fun and practically carried everywhere - even in the midst of this pandemic corona it is not possible.

Smiling and positive thinking are believed to be one of the preparations for Ramadan 2020. Amid the uncertainty and uncertain situation lately, positive human thoughts will emerge.

Make the most of this Ramadan moment, read and learn the virtues or what you can do for yourself and others. This is also a time to strengthen the relationship with God.

Convince yourself that the Ramadan 2020 service will be an opportunity to increase your faith and learn about yourself. You can also pin up the determination to start quitting bad habits and develop positive new hobbies.

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