Latest Global Phenomena

A look at the latest global epidemic of New Coronavirus Pneumonia in May.

The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19, Wuhan pneumonia) global epidemic has not stopped. Tokyo's single-day diagnosis has broken through 100 days after three days, and Russia's single-day diagnosis has reached a new high. India did not ease the epidemic, and the closure of the city was extended for another two weeks.

According to AFP ’s official statistics, as of 3 a.m. Taipei time, the epidemic has caused more than 235,551 deaths in more than 195 countries and regions around the world and more than 3.3 million 3510 cases were diagnosed. At least 1 million 3600 patients recovered.

World Health Organization (WHO) Secretary-General Tan Desai announced on the 1st that the emergency committee unanimously recommended that the epidemic still constitute an "international public health emergency" (PHEIC), and he also accepted the committee's recommendation.

Coronavirus Globally

The following is the epidemic situation and related developments in the past 24 hours around the world:


The Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center announced on the 1st that Taiwan had once again diagnosed Wuhan pneumonia with a "6 + 0" diagnosis of 0 for 6 consecutive days, which also means that there have been no local cases for 19 days.

The command center also announced that the long-term agency visits will be opened conditionally, with a real-name appointment system. Each resident is limited to one visit per day, and the group of visitors is limited to the same time and space principle. Each group of visitors can have a maximum of 3 people and must wear a mask throughout the journey.

● China

The Beijing News reported that Hubei Province, China announced on the 1st that the emergency response (emergency response) level of public health emergencies in Hubei Province will be adjusted from level 1 to level 2 from 0:00 on the 2nd. The report pointed out that all provinces in China has lifted the first-level alert for the epidemic situation since the 2nd.

The State Council ’s joint epidemic prevention and control mechanism on the 1st notified two clusters of epidemic outbreaks in Heilongjiang Province and listed four major issues. It severely criticized many hospitals in Heilongjiang for in-hospital infections that lasted for a long time and had many infections.

The official website of the China National Health Commission reported on the morning of April 1st that 12 new cases were confirmed in 31 provinces and municipalities on April 30, of which 6 cases were moved overseas and there were no new deaths. As of midnight on April 30, a total of 82,874 cases were diagnosed, and a total of 4,633 deaths.

Hong Kong

The Hong Kong government said on the 1st that yesterday it dispatched a special plane to pick up more than 300 Pakistani Hong Kong people from Pakistan, two of whom were confirmed to have Wuhan pneumonia. Excluding these two cases, Hong Kong has no local transmission cases for 12 consecutive days. So far, 1039 cases have been diagnosed.


Relevant personages of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan said that 165 cases of Wuhan pneumonia were diagnosed on the 1st, and it was confirmed that the number of diagnoses exceeded 100 in a single day after 3 days. As of April 30, there were a total of 14,305 confirmed diagnoses and 455 deaths in Japan and the number of confirmed diagnoses in Tokyo ranked first.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on the 1st that the "Declaration of Emergency Situations" that will expire on the 6th will target the entire territory, with a one-month extension for related coordination and a formal decision will be made on the 4th.

The new flu drug Favipiravir (Favipiravir) is considered to have a curative effect on Wuhan pneumonia.


Singapore reported on the 1st that 932 new people were diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia, with a total of 17101 cases diagnosed. It is still the country with the largest number of diagnoses in Southeast Asia. One new patient died and 15 patients died.

The Ministry of Health in Singapore stated that most of the newly diagnosed cases were foreign workers living in dormitories. In order to reduce the risk of infection by migrant workers, the Singapore government listed two cruise ships as temporary residences for migrant workers, of which Superstar Gemini has received the first batch of migrant workers on April 29.

Wuhan's pneumonia impacted the aviation industry. Singapore Changi Airport, one of the world's major aviation hubs, temporarily closed its second terminal for 18 months from the 1st. Not only can it save operating costs during the epidemic, but the expansion project originally planned for the terminal can also be expected to advance. carry out.


The Philippines reported on the 1st that 284 new cases were diagnosed, with a total of 8772 cases, of which 579 were incurable. The number of confirmed cases in the Philippines continues to rise, and the number of medical personnel confirmed has risen to 1,694. Almost 1 in 5 infected people are medical personnel. The Philippine Ministry of Health is worried that it will face the dilemma of insufficient care for patients.


Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced that he will implement the "Conditional Action Control Order" from May 4 to relax most of the economic and social activities in the country, but must follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and still prohibit Friday prayers and other gatherings.

Malaysian Health Director Noor Hisham Abdullah announced on the 1st that there were 69 new confirmed cases in the country, with a total of 6071 cases; there was an increase of 1 death case, with a total of 103 cases.


Thailand reported on the 1st that six more cases of Wuhan pneumonia were diagnosed in the country, setting a record low for new cases in a single day since the beginning of March. The total number of infected people in Thailand reached 2,960, and 54 deaths remained.


As the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic has not yet slowed down, the Indian government announced on the 1st that the national blockade measures originally scheduled to end on the 3rd will be extended for another 2 weeks to 17 days and orange and green areas that are less affected by the epidemic will relax some restrictions.

India's attempt to treat plasma pneumonia in severely ill patients in Wuhan encountered setbacks. The first 53-year-old severely ill patient in Maharashtra received plasma therapy. Although his condition improved slightly at the beginning, his condition deteriorated afterward.


The Spanish government warned on the 1st that due to the economic crisis caused by the epidemic, Spain's gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to shrink by 9.2% this year, and the unemployment rate is expected to rise to 19%.

The Spanish Ministry of Health reported on the 1st that there were 281 new cases of pneumonia deaths in Wuhan in the past 24 hours, and a total of 24,824 patients died. The number of diagnoses increased from 213,435 the previous day to 215,216.


Russian authorities reported on the 1st that there were 7933 newly confirmed cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, setting a new record high in a single day, with a total of 114,431 diagnosed cases. The number of deaths increased by 96, with a total of 1169 deaths.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin told President Putin on April 30 that he was diagnosed with a new coronavirus disease and will temporarily resign from his post and be replaced by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.


France reported on the 1st that there were 218 new deaths in the past 24 hours, the lowest single-day record in more than 5 weeks. France has so far contracted 24,594 deaths from coronavirus disease, ranking fourth in Europe.

United States

US President Trump announced on the 1st that the antiviral drug Remdesivir of the biopharmaceutical company Gilead has been authorized by the US authorities to be used urgently to treat the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19). patient.

New White House spokesman Kayleigh McEnany accused WHO of its obvious preference for China at a press conference held on the 1st. Taiwanese officials warned that it is possible to pass on from person to person on December 31 last year, but the WHO is very abhorrent Not disclosed.

An American team composed of long-term disease pandemic experts released a report on the 1st, predicting that Wuhan pneumonia virus may continue to spread for at least 18 months to 2 years, until 60% to 70% of people are infected. Experts also suggested that the United States be prepared for the worst, including the possible second wave of large infections in autumn and winter.

South Africa

To prevent the spread of Wuhan ’s pneumonia epidemic, South Africa implemented a 35-day level 5 national blockade, which ended on April 30 and began level 4 epidemic prevention on May 1. The government relaxed certain restrictions so residents can go out for running, walking, and walking Dogs and cyclists, don't wait for the epidemic

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