Recent Tension between China and Australia

“Sanctions” that China flicker in Australia screaming “Truth investigation of new corona!”

There is a vicious mood between China and Australia over the spread of the new coronavirus. This is because China is trying to contain Australia by flickering economic pressure against Australia, which calls for the establishment of an independent research agency to investigate the origin of the new coronavirus. However, in the international community, the voices of China's responsibility are increasing more and more, and China's sense of crisis is growing due to the expansion of the siege network.

◇ A fierce exchange between China and Australia

According to the Australian public broadcaster ABC, Australian Minister Dutton claimed on a TV show on April 17:

"The US says it has" evidence that the new coronavirus has a particular pathway or origin. "

"I think China has a duty to answer these questions (about the new coronavirus) and provide information so that we can understand exactly what happened and prevent a recurrence."

In addition, Foreign Minister Pain pointed out on the ABC program on the 19th that "(concerns about China's transparency) were" very high, "and the source ▽ what was done ▽ How with the World Health Organization (WHO) I said that it was necessary to put everything on the table and verify it.

In response to this, China repulsed violently.

Deputy Press Secretary Tatesho of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded at a regular press conference on the 20th that Foreign Minister Pain's remarks were not based on facts. "Australia's politicians have recently pardoned the US claims to attack China," a spokesman for the Australian Embassy said on a website on Saturday.

In addition, the Australian Ambassador to the Competition, pointed out in a 27-day interview with an Australian newspaper, "The Chinese are disappointed, upset, and disappointed with Australia today," and a boycott of Australian wine and travel to the country. He said it could lead to financial pressure and pushed economic pressure to the fore.

On the 28th, the editor-in-chief of the Communist Party's newspaper, People's Daily, "Global World Times," Hu Xin Su, picked up Australia on China's Twitter "Weibo," saying, "It's like chewing gum stuck to the back of Chinese shoes. I have to find a stone to get rid of it. "

First of all, Australia and China are in tension. Australia, along with its allies and the United States, has maintained its presence as a leader of the Pacific nations by assisting neighboring countries, but in recent years, China's influence in this region has penetrated and conflicts of interests have arisen.

◇ Increasing voice of investigation

While the Chinese side is strengthening pressure on Australia, there are growing calls for China to seek the truth.

On April 16, in the UK, Foreign Minister Raab, who was acting as prime minister, emphasized that "it is clear that it is necessary to carry out a very deep post-examination based on scientific methods." He then expressed the following views regarding future relations with China.

"I can definitely say that even if the crisis goes away, not everything will be restored. And how the new coronavirus infection occurred and how we could stop the spread early. It means that you have to ask seriously. "

US President Trump also said at a press conference yesterday, "We are dissatisfied with China. The source of the new coronavirus must have been quickly stopped (the spread of the infection), and then it will not spread to the world. It should have been. " He added, "There are many ways to take responsibility (for China). We are investigating something very important", and made the possibility of claiming damages against China.

Furthermore, the German popular newspaper Bilt published an article on the 15th, stating that "claiming damages of 149 billion euros (about 17 trillion yen) to China" was published and became a hot topic.

According to the article, “Loss” for March-April ▽ Tourism industry € 24 billion ▽ Film industry € 7.2 billion ▽ Lufthansa German Airlines € 1 million per hour ▽ Germany SMEs € 50 billion-- It claims that Germany's gross domestic product (GDP) will drop by 4.2%, resulting in a loss of 1784 euros per German.

Australia's prime minister, Morrison, appeared at a press conference on the 29th in response to the strong backlash from the Chinese side.

"The new coronavirus killed 200,000 people in the world and shut down the world economy. An independent assessment of how this happened to help people around the world learn lessons and prevent recurrence. I think it's justified and sensible to want to get it. ''

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