Tips to help prevent corona19

Tips to help prevent corona 19… Shower in hot water and brush your teeth often

There is anxiety about the new coronavirus infection (corona19). People are curious about whether it is possible to reuse a mask, whether a cotton mask can be used, and how long there are restrictions on everyday life. Based on the contents of the press conference held by the Korea Medical Association Corona 19 Countermeasures Headquarters held on the 15th, the clinical symptoms and preventive measures of Corona 19 were summarized in a one-answer format.

 What are the symptoms of infection?
Common symptoms in the early stages include fever, fatigue, dry cough, systemic pain, sore throat, headache, and diarrhea. At this time, when sputum is accompanied, it is more likely to be sinusitis or bronchitis than corona infection. Virus infiltration into the bronchus and lungs 5 ​​to 6 days after infection can cause pneumonia. In pneumonia, high fever and shortness of breath appear. The virus level is high in the mild initial stage with a slight throat. Rather, it is highly infectious when the patient does not know whether he or she is infected.

What to do if you suspect infection.
It is difficult to accurately discriminate from symptoms alone. In some cases, it is expressed as enteritis symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain without respiratory symptoms. In the end, a real-time PCR test is needed to confirm the diagnosis, but the problem is that respiratory infections and gastrointestinal tract infections are very common. Respiratory infections and gastrointestinal tract infections are both improved and stable treatments while taking symptom control medication for 2-3 days. Therefore, in reality, it is recommended to take a screening at a screening clinic if there is no improvement or worsening even if you watch while self-contained for 2-3 days.

Please tell me the rules of life to prevent infection.
First, the corona virus is vulnerable to fever. For personal hygiene, showering with hot water (flowing water) can be beneficial to your health. Second, be careful with the handles and the surface of objects that can be contaminated. If you touch a suspected object, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or running water or use an alcohol hand sanitizer. Third, if possible, open the door with your feet without holding the door handle. Wash your hands often, as you often unintentionally rub your eyes and touch your nose to get infection through your hands. Fourth, frequent oral cleansing (brushing) can also be prevented.

When will everyday life be possible?
The infectivity is about 2.2 infections in one patient, but it is twice as high considering that there are about 1.2 influenza. It is currently considered that there is a possibility of spreading the community in the metropolitan area, and it is desirable to refrain from gathering events as many as possible, because of the nature of Corona 19, which has strong propagation power, it is expected that many patients will continue to occur sporadically through close contact. Do.

The timing of meetings, events, and openings is difficult to predict, but it seems to be caused mainly by close contact, so it is necessary to wait until the time when there is almost no infection in the community. There have been no cases of outdoor activity. Outdoor workouts are fine, but it's a good idea to avoid meeting people or getting in touch during activities.

Is it necessary to wear a mask for the general public?
In the case of active community infection in the case of wearing a mask, it is effective in spreading and preventing infectious diseases, but if there is no community infection or low risk, it is judged that the public does not need to wear it. However, to date, people aged 65 or older, who are known to have a high mortality rate from corona19, and those suffering from underlying diseases (diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease, etc.) are used for health care in an enclosed space, where many people gather. It is necessary to wear a mask.

The principle is not to reuse health masks. There is no established method to sterilize and dry while preserving the filter function. However, if you don't have or lack a health mask, it is better to wear a cotton mask than not. It is better to dry and reuse it in a clean place than not to use it.

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