Muslims Became a Public Enemy


The main reason for spread after New Delhi religious meeting… Citizenship Law Amendments Continued
 Muslims in India are suffering measles this time with a new coronavirus infection (Corona19) following the revision of the Citizenship Act.

Muslims have been accused of being attacked and discriminated everywhere in India as being the main culprit for the spread of Corona19 in India.

According to foreign media and local media, including the British Daily Guardian, on the 14th, recently, the Muslim Mehbub Ali in the outskirts of New Delhi, the capital, was beaten by Hindus.

Ali has been accused of deliberately spreading the virus to the community after attending a recent religious meeting.

He was struck by a stick and bleeding his nose and ears. He was taken to a Hindu mosque and released after being declared abandoning Islam and converting to Hinduism and was taken to hospital.

Muslims have become 'public enemies' in Indian society after the Nijuddin Islamic religious meeting in New Delhi in the middle of last month.

At the Nizamudin Religious Congregation, prayer and sermons were held in a compact space in a narrow space. It is analyzed that after the meeting, the participants returned to various parts of India and became the 'base of infection spread'.

It is estimated that about a third of all India's confirmed people are related to the event.

As the number of confirmed people surged due to this rally, radical Hindus and others mobilized even conspiracy theories to target ordinary Muslims.

Like Ali, Muslims have been attacked everywhere, and foods they distribute, such as vegetables and milk, have been targeted for boycotts. Muslims were also banned from entering the village in some areas. Some Hindus have even raised conspiracy theories that Muslims contaminate food and water with viruses.

Anant Kumar Hegde, a member of the ruling Indian National Party (BJP), a proponent of Hindu nationalism, attacked Tabligi Zamaat, a mission agency that organized a Nizamudin religious rally, as a "terrorist."

In social networking services (SNS), Muslims have emerged as targets for attacks, such as hashtags such as 'Corona Human Bomb', 'Corona Jihad (Islamic Temple)', and 'Corona Terrorism'.

The chairman of the Islamic Khan Delhi Subcommittee of Zafarul was concerned that "there is an atmosphere that is attacking Muslims across the country."
Muslims in India were upset at the end of last year due to amendments to the Civil Rights Act introduced by the Indian government.

The amendment to the Citizenship Law passed the House of Representatives and Senate in December last year, and anti-government protests have taken place nationwide since then.

The amendment paved the way for citizenship to six religious believers, including Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians, who went to India to avoid religious persecution in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. They also shortened the period of eligibility for citizenship.

As a result, the illegal immigrants who arrived in India before December 31, 2014 were able to obtain Indian citizenship.

In a statement this week, the Indian Scientists’ Response to Covid-19 group said “the available data does not support the speculation” that the blame for the coronavirus epidemic in India lies mainly with Tablighi Jamaat. The scientists emphasized that while testing for coronavirus is extremely low across India, a disproportionate number have been of members of Tablighi Jamaat, as per a government order, therefore heavily skewing the figures.

Yet the test results were swiftly seized upon by members of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), who claimed Tablighi Jamaat members had intended to infect millions as part of an Islamic conspiracy and were carrying out “corona terrorism”
However, as Muslims fell out of the country, minority groups and college students were strongly opposed.

At the end of February this year, more than 40 people died as Muslims and Hindus clash in New Delhi in connection with the pros and cons of the Civil Rights Act. Most of the victims were Muslims, local media reported.

Of India's 1.35 billion population, the vast majority, 80%, are Hindu. Muslims account for 14% and Christians account for less than 2%.

The question is only 14% blamable and 80% is completely cleaned, who knows what are the reasons behind but not to blame one group errors or mistakes can be expected from anyone.

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