A new world opens for the “Post Corona Era

A new world opens for the “Post Corona Era”

The Corona19 Pandemic, which hit the world, is gradually getting calm. It is a forbidden warning, but now we need to prepare for the “Post Corona Era” for our survival. It is predicted that our daily life will undergo a major change after the Corona 19 crisis, which is causing an unprecedented economic downturn. Through this event, the existing industry is collapsed and new types of businesses are highly likely to become mainstream. Following the last episode, the Behan Times has published a second planning article that anticipates the post-corona era.
The biggest change in our lives with this Corona 19 incident is the increased time spent at home and at Unact. Work, study, and even shopping are all done online at home. In this regard, the business continues to grow despite the current recession. "People are realizing the benefits of home life by spending a long time at home," said Robert Sampson, a professor at Harvard University in the United States. I am accustomed and accustomed to this, and this trend will continue even after the Corona 19 ends. ” Many economic experts dominate the prospect that the emerging industry will remain strong even in the post-corona era.

  So what are some promising businesses in the post-corona era?

One of the biggest beneficiaries is online shopping. For the past 10 years, online shopping has been established as a tool universally used by all ages. However, it is highly likely to evolve further through the Corona19 era. For demanding new generation customers, shopping and live streaming, aka “Shopstreaming”, are expected to become a trend. In other words, it is a consumer participation shopping that combines social media. The advantage of immersion and interaction is that you can get more detailed feedback on the product.

For example, in China, Wang Hong is a private show host. (Wanghong is shortened to ‘the famous person on the internet.’) Wanghong's business model, which combines YouTube and TV home shopping, showed tremendous growth during the Corona 19 period.

With the acceleration of online, the world is moving to a cashless society. The increase in non-face-to-face consumption will naturally increase the cashless electronic payment industry. Fintech technologies such as smartphone payments are already becoming more common every day. In the post-corona period, this trend is expected to deepen.

 Shutdown school, where most schools around the world offer online classes. Private internet lectures have already been popularized, but the situation has led to a high demand for online learning in the public education field. Online education will provide students with an environment where they can familiarize themselves with personalized learning and study at their own pace and pace. However, the restructuring of educational institutions is inevitable. Professor Kim Bum-soo of Seoul National University's Department of Free Electronics Engineering predicted that the expansion of online education would lead to a reduction in the number of undergraduate facilities and teachers.

The era of digital media and artificial intelligence

Corona19 has caused a rapid spread of digital media. In particular, demand for streaming services such as Netflix, Amazo Prime, Wave, and Disney Plus has also increased significantly. When the movie theater closed, new films that were about to be released were also released through Netflix. In addition, the Virtual Experiences industry is likely to lead the post-corona era. As the experience of offline games decreased due to sports events in the Corona 19 event, suspension of performances, and closing of museums and art galleries, people turned to virtual experiences. At home, I was able to visit world famous spots and appreciate artworks through VR.

 Some people who were trapped in Corona 19 complained of depression and other symptoms. As the encounter with people was limited, the desire to be comforted and to have a conversation with someone also increased. Accordingly, artificial intelligence through AI technology, chatbots, etc. are attracting attention. With the development of technology, the “personality” of artificial intelligence is rapidly progressing and the demand is also increasing.

In addition, the growth of telemedicine and biotechnology is expected through the Corona 19 crisis. In some cases, doctors and patients are not face-to-face and there is a great concern about receiving medical treatment, but with the development of the advanced healthcare industry, diagnosis through accurate data will gradually become familiar to us. In addition, gene editing technology (CRISPR), which can block viruses through the development of corona19 vaccines and therapeutics, will be developed.

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